Caring for someone who has Alzheimer's or any type of Dementia is taxing on the Caretaker of the individual with Alzheimer's Disease. If you know of someone like this, send them a kind note to let them know you are thinking of them, offer to bring them dinner one evening to alleviate stress of caring for their immediate families, or offer to give a day off to the caretaker by staying with the individual with Alzheimer's Disease if you are capable of doing so...
If you feel someone you know may have Alzheimer's Disease, please check on them, or make sure a family member knows your concern to help so that the individual can get the best medical attention possible. Showing kindness not only to the individual, and also to the family is one of the most important parts of humanity and overall showing that you care. If you need help and support the Alzheimer's Association is a great place to find this information. Their website is @alzassociation @time2refocusnow #kindness #WorldAlzMonth #alz #ENDALZ #EndAlzheimers
In the meantime, check out our podcast on how to protect your brain and learn what you can do now as we discuss Brain Health with Dr. Bruce Daggy,